Here I go again! Weeee!
Before I really get into it, I would like to get a few things out of the way...The donate button: I hope I don't come across as a complete ass but I am setting out on an adventure of a lifetime and I have a limited amount of funds so if people want to help me out I would be most grateful. Having said that, please do not feel pressured in any way. I want to share my experiences freely so I hope you enjoy!
Also, if you live in Kingston and wish to purchase an adult or kid-size, professional weighted hoop for hoopdance (aka hula hoop), please let me know. I have a bunch and all proceeds will go toward living my dream.
What is the dream? To travel the world and meet amazing people, see awesome things and get out there! I want to let opportunities and experiences happen. I feel like I have a lot to offer and I want to move out of the rigidity of the life I have been trying to live and into a more fluid existence.
I love acroyoga or partner balancing as well as many other circus arts. I have been working hard and I'm ready to get out there and perform as well as continue to learn. I hope that performing and training will be a large part of my journey.
And of course I am sharing this experience with someone very special, Stephen. We met in our high school years and reconnected over facebook last year. We met up in person and there was magic and here we are, ready to go on an amazing adventure together! He told me that he wanted to learn acroyoga and that he would be my partner so it's been on for the last few months. He is incredible (in so many ways), he has learned so much in such a short period of time. We did our first performance together recently and I'll post the video when it's up on youtube.
We leave May 11 and fly into London, England. Speaking of which, I should get back to packing and last minute preparations.
My vision for this blog is that it becomes a space for Stephen and I to post our experiences, thoughts, pictures, etc and for you all to be able to learn and visit places and meet people through us as well as keeping in contact and seeing our performances.
If you have any comments or questions or constructive criticism, please feel free to share.
Peace out,
Yay! Great way to keep connected!
Erin, I am so excited to be able to be a part of your adventure in this way. Thank you for creating this blog. I can't wait for future posts. Continue to live joyfully and you will always have everything that you need.
So proud of you both!! Looking forward to reading about your travels - thank you for creating this place to share vicariously in your adventures. Be safe, be open, and be kind to each other and those you meet along the way. xoxoxox
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