So we made it to the beach yesterday to busk and we got about five minutes in when I had an embarrassing feminine issue and had to leave.
We chose to go back to the campsite and chill out for the afternoon since my spirits were down.
We put out the slackline and got out hoops, a skipping rope, the yoga mats, the TRX and my pilates ball and had a super fun workout and met our neighbours. They came over and asked if we were in the circus and said they couldn't stop watching us while they were eating diner. We offered to let them try whatever they wanted and they both wanted to try hoops. We ended up spending the night hanging out and teaching them poi, hooping and acro. They are a young couple from the Netherlands. It was great to meet some people and hang out.
Today we took down the tent, got all packed up and left the campsite. We went to the Mauritshuis, website here. The art was absolutely incredible. After that we wandered around a book and antique market in the rain. We grabbed lunch on an outdoor patio and now we're on way to Belgium, our third country so far.
In fitness/circus/yoga news, I did 2 and a half pull ups unaided yesterday and then 15 with Stephen's help. Skipping was awesome too. I did 100 jumps three times and then some crossovers and jumping once over two spins. I'm going to try to skip every other day.
That's it for now. It's raining here. We're hoping that it will stop by the time we get to Belgium so that we don't have to set up in the rain.
Evening of June 6
It's hard being vegan sometimes. Or I guess frustrating is more accurate. The last few days have been especially tough and I've been living off bread, peanut butter and salad. Several servers have had no understanding of the concept of no cheese. Tonight I specifically asked for no cheese on my pizza and she made a joke about it and then brought me my pizza with cheese. When I told her that I couldn't eat it and that it would make me sick (I found that out when I was mistakenly given milk in a drink the other day), she laughed and told me that I would have to eat it because the kitchen was now closed. She eventually brought me a salad with onions, greens, olives and tomatoes and charged me 10 euros for it. Le sigh. Salads are great and all but I was STARVING.
Anyway, enough complaining. It's my choice to be vegan and I understand that a lot of people don't understand it. I also know that traveling involves sacrifices.
So we are in Bruges. We didn't really know where we were going but knew we wanted to get to either Antwerp or Bruges and this is where we ended up. It's incredibly beautiful and I can't wait to get out tomorrow to take pictures and explore. I've been here before, only for a half a day though.
It's gotten a lot colder and we are staying in a hostel tonight. It's more like a hotel but with the tiniest bathroom that I have ever seen. The shower is close to non-existent but at least we have one!
It's really late and we've got a fairly early check out so I'll say goodnight now.
Love to you all,
Awww....that shit happens, but it does suck the big canned weiner! Sounds like you had an awesome day. Lots of love back to both of you...
Keep trudging that road less traveled!
Hi mini me!
my friend jaxon is a vegan but he has to cheat when he's on tour because he gets really unhealthy otherwise. please keep yourself fed and healthy:)
i so wish i was able to meet up with you somewhere! i bet i'll be leaving to travel just when you are coming back. grrr...
shoot, i had something i wanted to tell you and now i forget. dang it...hopefully oH! there were two guys at the retreat who set up slackrope and they were better than anyone i've ever seen. they were AWESOME. i invited them to circus in the park sometime...i so wanted to try the rope but alas i'm still weary of my ankle.
happy to keep hearing from you in blogs.
i might start up another blog of my own you can follow me too :)
mini me!!! i love it :)
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