I'm posting these all now since I haven't had internet for a while.
June 2, 2010
We're on our way to Den Haag right now. Yay for the car!
We got a tent and sleepingbags today and tonight will be our first night camping. I'm so excited. I hope we can build a campfire.
The weather was incredible today. It was the first non rainy and warm day for a while. We spent a great deal of the day in Vondel Park practicing Acro (we accomplished some new stuff, yay!) and then we went to the park in Museumplein, near the Van Gogh museum where we hooped like mad. We are working on some really fun new stuff that I have never seen anyone do before. I'm excited to keep working on and eventually make a video for you all to see :)
We are getting back into the groove of things and with a few more training days I think we'll be back to busking. We just need to work on the asking for money part.
No solid plans from here until the Southern Lights Festival. We are both really looking forward to it. Hooping, Poi, contact juggling, double staff, Tai Chi, Yoga and more! Woot!
We have to be back in Amsterdam on June 30. We could only rent the car for 28 days. We'll re-evaluate at that time and see if we want to continue driving or what.
We're almost in The Hague now so I'll sign off and help Stephen navigate.
June 3, 2010
Beach Day!
We got to our campground well after 11pm last night, set up the tent and went to sleep. It was quite comfortable and so nice waking up to the sound of birds all around us. It turns out that camping is definitely the way to go. We paid for four nights and it was less than one night at the last place we stayed. It is also such a great way for me to feel connected to nature. I felt more relaxed and happy waking up this morning than probably any day so far since we left.
We headed out for the beach fairly early this morning and had the greatest morning. I got my coffee and Stephen got his espresso at a cafe on the beach. The seating was couches with comfy pillows. After that we mostly spent the day doing acro and yoga in the sand. It was awesome! We had some really solid flows and we're ready to busk tomorrow. The only bummer is that we had to pay a fortune to use the bathroom.
For lunch, we shared some bread and peanut butter with jam in a beautiful area overlooking the beach on one side and lushcious green landscape on the other. It was so relaxing. All of the stressing at airports, rainy and cold days and less than ideal accomodations were totally worth it for today.
We're waiting for our dinner right now on an outdoor patio in the city center. We're hoping to get back and set up the tent before it gets dark.
The plan for tomorrow is to work on podcasts in the morning and then head out to busk in the afternoon. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.
I'm going to start posting progress reports on various things we are working on, especially handstands (for a certain someone so he can give us feedback...thank you!). Today I worked mostly on flexibility but I feel that I've lost a lot of strength, especially with pullups, so I did 100 pushups. The day after tomorrow I'm going to work on pull ups. I worked on them a few days ago and I was so disappointed. When I was trying to get into the protrack circus program in Vermont, I was working on them a lot and I had gotten up to 4 and a half and the other day I was only able to do 1! :(
Love to you all,
PS Dinner took over an hour to arrive so we only had to pay for half of it. Don't go to Humphrey's (a franchise), the food is awful.
June 4, 2010
Another beautiful morning, though we slept in a little too late for my liking (9:30am). The sun is shining and we're off to an internet cafe to watch a couple of videos of acrobatic street performers to get some ideas and then we're going to find a spot and spend a few hours trying to make back some of the money we've spent.
The podcast will have to wait until tonight. I was thinking that I'll try to make several and get them posted all at once. That way I can have some different levels and different types. I would like to make some short pilates practices as well. We'll see how it goes.
I'm off for a quick hooping session while Stephen finishes getting himself organized.
New fb pics here
Love reading about your travels. How much of your gear did you buy there and how much did you take? Hoops and poi and mats! wow.
Hey Laura,
We took quite a bit. More than any backpackers should I think. In terms of fitness/circus gear: 2 yoga mats, 2 collapsible hoops, 2 mini hoops, a skipping rope,a trx, a slackline, a deflatable pilates ball, theraband, yoga strap and poi. Ridiculous. And then we have clothes and toiletries.
So happy to have the car now so we aren't carrying it all around.
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